
Screening colonoscopy

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening beginning at age 50. Some groups recommend starting earlier, at age 45. Learn more about colon cancer screening.

Before colonoscopy

A perfect colon preparation is essential for a successful test. Please follow the following links to access the preparation steps and follow the instructions. It is very important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of clear liquids while doing the preparation. Clear Gatorade is excellent for replacing the fluid and electrolytes lost with the multiple bowel movements that occur. Patients should be strict NPO (nothing to eat or drink by mouth) for four hours prior to the procedure. After a complete preparation, the rectal effluent (the stools) should be clear, transparent and without any solid material. Please advise the doctor if after the preparation the stool is not clear and instead is a solid or pasty material. In these conditions the colonoscopy may be suboptimal and may need to be rescheduled.

Colon preparation instructions

GoLytely Bowel Prep Kit


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What is a colonoscopy and how do I prepare for it?
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Colonoscopy procedure

During the colonoscopy a colonoscope (a video camera with a light source connected to a long flexible tube) is inserted through the anus and advanced slowly into the large intestine, so the doctor can examine the inside of the bowel for any abnormalities. The entire procedure is done while the patient is asleep to avoid any discomfort. Click on the following video to learn more about colonoscopy.

What happens during and after a colonoscopy?
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Useful information about colonoscopy